There are lots of different types of writers out there. There are novelists, blog writers, ad copy specialists, and Facebook posters, to name a very, very small select group. Trying to tailor any single writing tool to service the needs of all of those types of writers is a lofty, and frankly, nearly impossible mission. However, you have to respect a writing tool that seeks to customize its output, attempting to help writers craft prose that will fit with their specific interest or market. Nichesss AI Copywriter ($59.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals) is one of those Swiss Army knife attempts to tailor your words to a custom segment of your intended audience, no matter who you’re trying to reach. Whether you’re tasked with writing blog intros or social media posts, writing e-mail newsletters or ad copy, Nichesss was created to help writers boost their productivity or even spark an idea that can break through the dreaded writer’s block. Powered by artificial intelligence, Nichesss asks users a few short questions, then gets down to business, generating fully optimized text to match the need, all backed by deep-dive research results. For writers crafting a blog, Nichesss can help nail down a possible outline in seconds. If they need sales copy, Nichesss will knock it out. Or just use Nichesss to write an email subject line that’ll actually get receivers to open it. But perhaps Nichesss’ most interesting feature works best when writers are trying to do some fact finding of their own. For entrepreneurs working to vette a business idea, Nichesss can help. With their niche reports, Nichesss can actually attach some numbers to your idea, providing rough estimates of market size to see if it’s an enterprise worth pursuing. With reports in 18 different business types, users can see how their idea stacks up — and maybe even stumble across an even better idea thanks to those findings. A lifetime subscription to the Nichesss AI Copywriter and its vast field of resources would usually cost about $1,000, but as part of this offer, the entire package is on sale now for just $59.99. Prices are subject to change